Amanda writes for parents, educators and anyone involved in the life of children with differences. Covering tips, news and other musings, she writes when inspiration strikes, and no more than weekly.
Why do we have so many children who struggle in school?
40 years of educational reform is causing more harm than good
Back to school
So here we are again, at the start of a new academic year. For many a source of much excitement, and, for others, a source of much anxiety.
Reduce anxiety by showing not saying
Looking back, if you were to ask me what one thing have I learnt that has made the biggest difference to our lives, it would be the power of images to reduce anxiety.
Summer holidays - delight or dislike?
School summer holidays are long. And no matter how much your child struggles at school, you may find that they appear to equally dislike the holidays.
Dealing with an epidemic
Somehow we have to find ways to support our children with their anxieties. Imagine waking up every day and having to face your worst nightmare. The long-term effects of this would be damaging beyond belief, both emotionally and physically.
To go or not to go... that is the question
Many parents, somehow manage to get their highly anxious children into school on a daily basis. Despite the refusal, the tears and whatever else is thrown at them, somehow they manage to talk their child into school.