Online learning platform now available
I know I've been quiet this year. My blog has sadly taken a back seat with lots of other things going on.
One of the key projects this year has been the creation of an online learning platform. Acutely aware that working with me requires a certain level of investment, I decided I wanted to capture my knowledge and make it available to a wide audience so more families can get the right support for their children.
I've got a host of courses in my head, and I had to start somewhere. I'm pleased to announce the first course is now available. An Introduction to Special Educational Needs is a six-module course that outlines the basics that every parent and teacher needs to know about what SEN means, and what it doesn't mean and it sheds light on some of the myths that I often encounter.
As a regular reader of my blog, I'm fairly sure that this course isn't for you, however on the off-chance you may know someone who is just starting their journey to access the right support for a child in school, I want to let you know all about it.
Twelve month's access to this course plus the next one in the pipeline is just £67 and there are more details here:
““I would have been grateful to find this at the start of my journey.””
Group Mentoring
Earlier this year I trialled a group mentoring programme. Group mentoring allows me to help more people, and for those people to learn from others and build connections with each other at the same time.
I will be running group mentoring sessions around 3 times a month and any participant can join the call to listen in or ask a question. Group mentoring clients also get access to the online platform and all of the courses that are/will be available in the future for the duration of their participation. If you know someone who might find this useful please share it with them.
Kent County Council
If you live in Kent you may have seen recently that Kent has recently been re-inspected by Ofsted and the CQC following its damming report in 2019. Sadly, although not surprisingly, the inspection has found that Kent has not made sufficient progress in any of the areas for improvement.
Navigating this system is still fraught with challenges, so if you know someone embarking on that process and would like some support, please send them my way. If you'd like to read the full report you can do so here.
I'm looking for guests to interview on my podcast - do you have a story to share or do you know someone who has? I'd love to talk to them for the next series.